Because words are important.

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I am a frequent contributor to many Canadian consumer magazines including explore, Cottage Life and Canadian Geographic Travel.

In 2012 I shared an honourable mention National Magazine Award in the editorial package category for the article "Top 30 Under 30" (explore Sept/Oct. 2011.) In 2011 I received an honourable mention National Magazine Award in the sports category for "Testing the Waters" (explore July/Aug. 2010), and an honourable mention in the business category for "Going Concern"(Cottage Life May 2010). I also received a 2011 International Regional Magazine Association bronze award in the Public Issues category for the same story.

In 2008 I shared an honourable mention National Magazine Award in the editorial package category for the article "Nice Work. " (explore Sept/Oct. 2007) That year I also shared a silver National Magazine Award in the same category for writing that appeared in "125 Things We Love Out There." (explore June 2006) I shared a gold National Magazine Award in the service journalism, lifestyle category for work I did on explore's "The Life List" published in the July/August 2005 issue.

Here are my most recently published feature articles:




Financial Post Business

IE: Money

Ryerson Review of Journalism

Good Times

 All articles are saved as Adobe PDF. If you do not have this free plug-in, download it here.

Kate Barker retains the copyright to all of this material. Reproduction in whole or in part without the written consent of the author is not permitted.



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